Accountability & Action Book Group


I’ve been threatening to create a virtual book club aimed at motivating women to not only read more but act on what they’ve learned. Guess what? The first of what I hope to be many book groups starts May 10th, 2021! 

Over the past year, we’ve all done some serious organizing and decluttering, but how many of us still have far too many unfinished books collecting dust? My guess is most of us—particularly the pressed-for-time mom (*raises hand*).

But how did our book “collection” get so out of control?

Books are an easy purchase to justify! Their artful covers and enticing titles call to us from Target bookshelves and our Amazon app. Before you know it, you’ve got an impressive stack of “someday” books teetering on your bedside table.

Here’s the deal: Your collection of unfinished books is doing you a disservice. You’re wasting money, causing clutter, and repeatedly sending yourself failure messages every time you glance at your growing pile. 

I know. It sounds bleak, but it’s happening for a reason—a reason we can address.

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We blame lack of time for our inability to finish a book, but the truth is we have a lack of prioritizing reading. So let’s start there, shall we?

THE ACCOUNTABILITY & ACTION BOOK CLUB is dedicated to helping you develop a reading habit AND help you put anything you’ve learned into action.


WHAT IS IT?: A book club that replaces conversation with action.


THE BOOK: Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab (on sale!)

OUR GOAL: Finish the book in 2 weeks AND put it into action


① Download the Slack app (New to Slack? Create an account

② Sign up for the book club CLOSED

③ Commit to reading 25-45 a day

④ After each chapter, post your #1 takeaway on Slack

⑤ That's it! No extra effort is required

Let’s create a reading habit and inch toward our dreams one book at a time!

Virtual book club for moms

P.S. UNABLE TO JOIN US? Set Boundaries, Find Peace. is incredible and a must-read for all humans! It's part parenting, marriage, and self-improvement. Something for EVERYONE! 

P.P.S. Looking for another book recommendation? Atomic Habits has been a literal life-changer. Check out my book review HERE

*Amazon links are often affiliate links - I appreciate you using them because every penny counts. 🤗

Jennifer Chaney

Accountability Coach: Life & business strategies for moms over 40

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