What will life look like when your high schooler packs their bags and waves goodbye?

When your youngest gets their much-anticipated college acceptance letter or finds a tiny apartment three cities away, you’ll likely have mixed emotions. You’ll be SO excited and proud of them but also dread the day you walk by their empty bedroom, knowing your home will never feel the same again.

As much as you’ll miss seeing them daily and struggle with the prospect of eating dinner at an empty table, your kids aren’t the only ones with an open road ahead of them.

This is an opportunity to reinvent who you are, find personal fulfillment, and seek new meaning beyond motherhood.

Path & Purpose is a hands-on workshop that will help you create a personalized plan of aspirations and action so you don’t get stuck wondering, “What now?” because you know precisely what to do first.

Imagine having the freedom of your 20s with the wisdom and finances of your 50s.

When your youngest ventures off on their own after high school, your life can get interesting again (nay, exciting!).

It’s time to come alive.
To wake up energized and ready for the day.
To feel fulfilled and find new meaning.

It’s time to take control of the next stage of your life.

Path & Purpose Hands-on Workshop

For the last 12 years, I’ve been mentoring moms who struggled to manage it all and sought anything to help them find balance. It was hard work (for them and me).

But six years ago, I realized we were pursuing the wrong thing. We don’t need temporary relief with spa days and girls’ nights out.

We need to figure out how to regain control and start living our lives more like our authentic selves and less like martyrs.

So I asked myself, who is living their dreams and pursuing aspirations?

You know what I found? 


They’re the ones out there “living their best lives,” and it’s not just because they’ve got more time and less household/parenting responsibility.

It’s because that’s what's been modeled to them since the dawn of time.

“If you want something, go get it.”

But women, especially moms, don’t have access to that kind of motivation and inspiration. 

And I’m here to change that. 

There is ZERO reason we can’t live the life that WE want.

Deep, meaningful lives that make us feel vibrant and worthy. 

Since this realization, I’ve done deep dive after deep dive on habits, time management, and goal setting—not just the what and why but the neuroscience behind it all so we can actually do it (the how).

More than that, I’ve been actively researching and experimenting with ways for us to feel more connected to our family while simultaneously living our identity outside of them. 

What will it REALLY take for us to be happy and feel content?

I want all of us, every single-dingle one of us, to be 80 years old and feel ridiculously proud of the life we lead. 


The sooner you start down the path you create, the sooner you start feeling like yourself—a woman with renewed vitality exploring her passions and purpose. 

This is where life gets really good. 

Your relationships will strengthen (with your husband/partner, kids, and friends).

You’ll fill out your calendar with things that matter most to you (not carpools or appointments).

And you get to start living a legacy that lights you up (immediately, not three years from now).

Starting Apil 9th, join me for 5 weeks, and we’ll create your midlife plan together!

(enrollment closes on 4/8, and limited spots). 

When you have a plan, a path to travel, your empty nest years won’t feel quite so “empty.”

  • “...she has been beyond a blessing. If only I could have a pocket size Jennifer Chaney, to pull out anytime I needed inspiration, a push in the right direction, reassurance & support. "

    Jenn D.

  • “Jennifer’s counsel fuels me as I face the everyday challenges of being a dreaming, creating, mompreneur. On the tougher days, I remember how much happier I am since I started following my dreams. ”

    Laura V.

  • "I can’t thank Jennifer enough for her insightful and gently prodding advice. "

    Michelle D.

How Does It Work?

1.— After you purchase the program, you’ll be added to an online, private classroom to access the downloadable workbook, instructions, calendar, and bonus material.

2.— Workshop is two calls a week for 5 weeks.

Once a week, on Tuesday, we’ll meet live to go over the corresponding module and homework.

Later that same week, I’ll hold a live Q&A on Fridays to help move you through any issues.

👉 All calls will be recorded and uploaded into our classroom, so if you can’t make all the calls, no problem. The recordings will be ready when you are.

3.— You’ll book a one-on-one call with me after completing the course, where we’ll fine-tune your roadmap and finalize your plan.

What’s Inside The Workbook?

The workbook and online classes will walk you through every step of the process. From introspection to action.

 1.— MIDLIFE MILESTONES: What Midlife is and why it matters.
Don’t get caught off guard. From personal and financial adjustments to shifts in caregiving responsibilities, we'll explore 13 common milestones that many midlife moms encounter. By thoroughly understanding this stage of life, we can better navigate and adapt to the changes ahead.

2.— DISCOVER MODULE: Who are you without your kids?
This is where you dig into who you are beyond Mom. (Even if!) you have no clue what to do with yourself or who you even are. In this module, you’ll have the opportunity to hone your values and beliefs and define your legacy through goal setting, personal branding, and future reflections.

3.— DESIGN MODULE: Experiment with passions and create your roadmap.
After years of putting your life on hold, it’s time to experiment with new passions or dust off some old ones. You’ll also explore possible life purposes, which will help you set meaningful goals and create an actionable roadmap for your empty nest years.

4.— DRIVE MODULE: Start living your plan (and start feeling better immediately).
Finalize your life vision, create short-term milestones, and develop a strategic plan to help you feel good now. You'll also discover practical techniques for effectively using your Midlife Plan and map out routines to keep you moving forward.

5.— REFINE MODULE: Fine-tune your Midlife Plan for lasting success.
Review the course and gain insights on tweaking your Midlife Plan for continued progress.  Bonus materials included will help you avoid boredom, focus on yourself, and stay motivated.: build lasting habits, manage your time effectively, master flexible goal-setting, and fine-tune your personal brand.


✓ 5 weeks of Zoom lessons (Tuesdays) and Q&A Zoom sessions (Fridays)
✓ PDF downloadable 57-page companion workbook so you never feel lost.
✓ 4-month access to a private online classroom to watch and rewatch recorded lessons and Q&A calls.


✓30-minute personalized mentoring call over Zoom.


Habits That Stick Digital Course to help you truly understand how to make or break habits. (value: $27)

Time Management Toolkit Digital Course breaks down tried and true time management strategies so you can pick and choose. (value: $37)

Flexible Goal Setting Video Masterclass is a 30-min presentation demystifying goal setting to ensure you reach your goals— big or small. (value: $97)

Personal Brand Workbook is a bonus course that will help you make decisions, increase confidence, and guide you on how to live a more authentic life. (value: $25)

What’s Included?

(Hint: lot’s of gifts!)

What’s next?

This is a one-and-done training. Once you learn how to create a flexible midlife plan, you’ll have the skills and tools to  be able to modify it as your life unfolds (no further training required).

Most graduates find planning to be the easy part, and having someone to help them move through their to-do list is needed support. I have a free Facebook group, Handle the Hard, that can help you take action.

If you want to dive deeper into the course content, with individualized support, I’ll share details on how to work with me 1:1, inside the course. 

PS. All course attendees who complete all the workshop modules and craft a full midlife plan for us to work from will be eligible to receive 30% off this offer!

When you have a plan & a path to travel,
you start feeling better today.

You’ll not only know where you’re going but also who you are, who you want to become, and what you stand for.

Layer on the bonus materials of goals, habits, and time management, and you have a solid foundation to support you during the rockiest times.

  • Over 12 years experience mentoring moms

  • More than 38,000 followers and subscribers

  • Publications featured/quoted in

Choose your payment plan & enroll here:

    SOLD OUT! Registration closes Monday, April 8th. Small group setting. Limited space.

    (I’m exceedingly confident in this program and have a money-back guarantee — see the FAQs for details.)

    “Wait! I have sooooo many questions!”

    • It's never too late or too soon to start thinking about your future. The more time you give yourself to think and plan, the more years you'll have spent pursuing fulfillment.

      There are two ideal times to start:

      (1) When your youngest enters middle school, and you’re shifting from full-time to part-time mom. Your kids naturally pull away from you to gain independence, which frees up some of your parenting time.

      (2) When your oldest is in high school, and you’re fully in the part-time mom stage, you’ll still have time to make changes and plans before they graduate and move out. But know that their senior year of high school can be extremely busy for both of you. I advise avoiding doing the work during this year.

      NOTE: If you’re already in an empty nest, you will still benefit from having a midlife plan. Especially if you’re struggling with living in an empty nest.

    • The workshop runs for 5 weeks with 2 one-hour video sessions. The homework can take 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on your level of self-awareness before the process.

      Once you have your life plan, you decide how much time you spend on it. I highly recommend spending at least 10 minutes a day working on something related to your long-term aspirations.

    • The very first class is via Zoom on April 9th at 9am.

      The following Friday is our Q&A day, also at 9am.

    • Not a problem! All classes and Q&As will be recorded an uploaded to your online classroom.

    • While this is a live workshop, you can choose to take as much time as you need and go at your own pace.

      If you can make it to at least one call a week, that will help keep you moving, but there is no pressure.

    • I love this program SO much and believe in it with all of my heart. If you attend all the classes, take advantage of the 1:1 time with me, and complete the bonus support materials, and you’re still not happy, I won’t keep your money.

    If you’re on the fence about the program, contact me with questions before purchasing. I’m happy to chat! 🤍

    I don’t want any mom wondering if there’s something more out there. 

    I want you to step into the next stage of your life with the confidence and clarity of someone who owns who they are and what they’re doing. 

    Someone who didn’t wait for life to happen to them but rather intentionally decided how to live the next 30-plus years.

    This is your time.