Change Your Life In 10 Minutes A Day


All moms understand our schedules are not solely made up of what we want or need to do. Not even close. But, for the most part, it’s manageable, right? We know it’s temporary (wait, is 18+ years temporary? 🤔) and eventually we’ll get to our “things.”

Here’s the problem with that belief: when we spend day after day breaking promises to ourselves, it wears down our self-esteem and leads to some serious burnout.

“It’s too late… I’ll just do (fill in the blank) tomorrow.”

For over a year, I tracked my meditations to manage my stress. I found not only was I less anxious and able to handle my busy days, but I had also accumulated well over 100 hours doing something I swore I didn’t have time for.

I showed up every day and promised myself at least 3 minutes of mindfulness.

A year later and my average meditation time is 14 minutes.


If you feel you lack the time, you don’t. It’s there, and you can find it. (Read: You’re Not Too Busy )

❶ Choose one thing you’ve always wanted to do.

❷ Choose a time and place (earlier in the day is best).

❸ Show up every day for 5 minutes.

❹ Slowly increase the time to 10 minutes.

Avoid becoming The Accidental Martyr and prioritize your needs for 10 minutes a day.

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Imagine what you accomplish in 100 hours?

Get pretty good at cooking?
Learn a new art form?
Open and manage an Etsy shop?
Build a website?
Read SEVERAL books?
Improve your high school Spanish?

Even the busiest of moms have more time than they think. Remember, big change can happen in small, daily routines.

You can change your life in 10 min a day.

Also, your family needs you to carve personal time out because a mom who is prioritizing her needs (even for a few minutes a day) will be a better parent and partner. Not to mention you’ll feel SO much better about yourself, and that my friend pays in dividends.

Jennifer Chaney Life Plan For Moms

P.S. Need support creating your new habit? Here’s why I want you to make Atomic Habits the first book you read. Or cut to the chase and buy it on Amazon.

P.P.S. If you MUST miss a day, don’t let it slide to two days. This is how you build a healthy, longstanding habit and will truly reap the benefits over time.

You can show up for yourself for 2 minutes every day.

Jennifer Chaney

Accountability Coach: Life & business strategies for moms over 40

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