Failed New Year’s Resolutions?


Yesterday I stumbled on some lofty goals I set a decade ago.

I’m almost embarrassed to admit I achieved next to none of them. I’m pretty sure I gave up two months in. Every year. For three years.

Turns out I’ve got lots of company. The latest studies found 91% of people who set New Year goals drop out well before the year ends.

Let’s be like the other 9% and set some achievable goals so we can start living a life devoid of regret. Or at least minimize it.

I've already wasted too many years for life to happen to me, and I don't recommend it— like zero stars.

Here are some New Year’s resolution alternatives that will drastically increase your success rate.

1.— Start with a long-term goal and break it down into years. Working on a year goal with a larger purpose will help carry you through the tough times.

2.— Have an aspirational goal (a feeling) instead of a measurable outcome goal. It’s easier to chase a feeling throughout the year than a number on the scale or hours spent reading.

3.— Create a theme for the year and aim to do random things that align with it. Some simple example themes are: move more, play with my kids, or connect with friends.

We’re here. Living our lives. Might as well do what we can to enjoy the ride, right?

Happy New Years!


👉 P.S. I’m putting on a FREE Goal Setting That Works master class on January 11th at 10am PST. Register HERE.

Jennifer Chaney

Accountability Coach: Life & business strategies for moms over 40

FREE Goal Setting Master Class


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